Francesco Gallaro Physical Therapy (FGPT) accepts insurance on an out-of-network basis. This allows FGPT to maintain the highest standard of quality of care where you the patient comes first.
Our appointments are one hour in duration, during which you will have one-on-one interaction with an established physical therapist for the entire hour. Your program is created to best fit your needs and is dictated by the interaction of you and your therapist. You will have full access to communicate with your therapist outside the office via email, text, or phone call at all times.
If you have questions please feel free to contact us. We understand that cost is sometimes a major determining factor when people choose where they pursue therapy. We will clarify all of your questions and concerns, and be completely transparent with cost.
As a service to you, we offer the following assistance:
Contact your insurance company directly to verify your benefits, co-payment and/or coinsurance
File your insurance claims when provided with the required insurance information
Monitor insurance authorizations, number of authorized visits and prescription expiration date
Fax initial evaluation, progress and discharge summaries to your physician prior to follow-up appointments